Monday, October 18, 2010

Stop in the Name of Love: Smoking and Your Unborn Child

You may already know that smoking causes cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, early menopause, and wrinkles. And you've probably heard that second hand smoke is dangerous for children and adults alike. But  have you ever stopped to think about what smoking could do to your unborn child? Since up to 15% of pregnant women smoke, it's critical that women are aware of the harm that tobacco can inflict.

Truly, smoking has an enormous impact on the health of the developing fetus. Smokers are more likely to give birth to underweight babies. Cleft palates, holes in the heart, and other serious and disfiguring birth defects are more common in infants whose mothers smoke. Just as scary is the finding that kids whose moms smoke during pregnancy are more likely to choose a life of crime later in life. And, as reported in August issue of The Archives of General Psychiatry, prenatal tobacco exposure nearly doubles the risk of serious mental illness in childhood and on into young adulthood. The researchers, from Finland, also reported a 69% higher risk of death during childhood in kids whose moms smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day during pregnancy.

Most people find it hard to quit smoking, despite their best intentions. If you need help, ask your doctor. There is a whole host of products and prescriptions available that can make the transition easier. Hypnosis and acupuncture may work for some people. But you've got to want to quit. If you can't muster up the motivation to quit for your own health, do it for your unborn child, your family, your friends, and the people you love.

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